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Are My Dog's Eyes The Same As Mine?

Is my dog really colorblind?

Dogs are not completely colorblind. However, they only have two specialized receptors in contrast to the three we have as humans. This means they can see black, white, blue and yellow, but red and green appear grey. But thats no reason not to let them help decorate for christmas!!

How Can I Prevent My Pup From Getting An Eye Infection?

Your furry friends eyes are exposed to a lot of allergen on a daily basis! The best way prevent eye infections is to keep our pups face clean and dry.


What we recommend:

Eye wipes! We recommend cleaning your furry friend's face with eye wipes a couple times a day to prevent allergen build up. These eye wipes will help to remove extra allergens and bacterial contaminates that can cause secondary bacterial infections.


These earthbath wipes are our favorite eye wipes! They are hypoallergenic and also remove tearstains.

Your Cat Loves The Full Moon!

Cat’s eyes are better adapted to see at night. However, cats acutely cannot see in COMPLETE darkness. Cats can’t see in complete darkness, but can see much better than other mammals in dim light.


How? Cats have a large layer of cells behind their retina called the tapetum lucidum, which acts like a mirror to reflect extra light back at the retina.


If there were no light to reflect then their night-adapted vision would be nonexistent. This feature probably evolved from the need to hunt in the moonlight!

Can Cats really see in the dark?
Can Cats really see in the dark?

Cats Are the Champs of Staring Contests!

Why is my cat squinting so much all of a sudden?

Unlike humans, cats don’t need to blink to keep their eyes moisturized. Cat’s can stare for long periods of time without blinking! This is because cat’s have a third eyelid called the nictitating membrane! This helps keep their eyes moist and protects them from debris. It is pretty much like a built in contact lens that moves horizontally.


A cat’s eyes play a large part  in their role as a nocturnal animal and as a natural hunter. Therefore, eye issues will significantly damage a cat’s quality of life and should be taken seriously.


If your kitty is squinting one or both eyes excessively, their eyes are red, or is discharge this could be a sign of an eye infection!

How Can I Keep My Pet's Eyes Healthy

Unlike humans, cats don’t need to blink to keep their eyes moisturized. Cat’s can stare for long periods of time without blinking! This is because cat’s have a third eyelid called the nictitating membrane! This helps keep their eyes moist and protects them from debris. It is pretty much like a built in contact lens that moves horizontally.


A cat’s eyes play a large part  in their role as a nocturnal animal and as a natural hunter. Therefore, eye issues will significantly damage a cat’s quality of life and should be taken seriously.


If your kitty is squinting one or both eyes excessively, their eyes are red, or is discharge this could be a sign of an eye infection!

Unlike humans, cats don’t need to blink to keep their eyes moisturized. Cat’s can stare for long periods of time without blinking! This is because cat’s have a third eyelid called the nictitating membrane! This helps keep their eyes moist and protects them from debris. It is pretty much like a built in contact lens that moves horizontally.


A cat’s eyes play a large part  in their role as a nocturnal animal and as a natural hunter. Therefore, eye issues will significantly damage a cat’s quality of life and should be taken seriously.


If your kitty is squinting one or both eyes excessively, their eyes are red, or is discharge this could be a sign of an eye infection!

Sweet potatos are full of vitamin A and other great vitamins that can help keep your pet's eyes in tiptop shape! Make sure your pet is getting the best nutrition possible and keep them clean!

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